Thursday, November 29, 2012

I Have the Perfect Gift for You

Once a year my mom and I wake up in the dark of the night and we sneak out of the house.  It’s tradition.  We’ve planned out the details the night before.  We’ve made a list of places we’ll go.  With our purses in tow, we gently close the door behind us and quietly roll out of the driveway, so as not to wake the children or men. 

Are you wondering where such wild women of the night are headed?  For some, the answer is as plain as daybreak: the Black Friday sales, of course!  That’s right, every year my mom and I join the masses and spend the entire day wandering about, chatting and laughing, until our feet hurt and the guilt of staying out too long sends us staggering home.  And every year, to nobody’s surprise, we come home almost empty-handed.  We’re not disappointed.  We know that’s the way it will turn out before we even start planning.  The reasons are simple.  We don’t need anything.  We can hardly think of a thing to buy anyone.  We already have too much.

If you can relate - you have a list of people you’d like to give a gift to but are tired of buying more stuff just to buy more stuff - I have the perfect gift for you!  No waiting in lines, no returns necessary, no making room in the closet or cupboard, no wrapping paper, no second guessing, no shipping, and one size fits all.  It’s a card, one that will help build a school for hundreds of orphaned and destitute children in Ethiopia.

Kind Hearts, a Children’s HopeChest CarePoint, in Ethiopia is currently serving more than 200 children.  The CarePoint provides them with nutritious food, clean water, clothing, medical care, education, and Christian discipleship.  For these kids, it is, no doubt, a complete life changer.  However, they are serving a greater number of children than they have room for, and still many more watch from a distance, waiting and wishing for the day there is room for them.  Plans are underway to build a new school building which will DOUBLE the number of children they are able to serve.  Would you consider making their wish a reality by sending this card to someone on your list this Christmas?
KindHearts Christmas Card

click on picture for a clearer image 
Giving a gift in someone’s honor is incredibly meaningful. It says, “I know you appreciate the significance of a good thing.” If you ask me about gifts I’ve received in the past, these are the gifts I remember. The simplicity of sending this card to family and friends can help improve the lives of hundreds of children for a lifetime. That’s a worthy gift.

If you’d like to cross a few things off your list and send a gift that truly exemplifies the spirit of Christmas, here’s how you can do it:

Use the PayPal button to the left.  First, select the amount of your gift from the drop-down box.  Next, enter the names you would like listed on the “To” and “From” lines, and the recipient’s address (where you would like the card sent.)  Be sure to separate your information with commas.  Repeat for each card you would like to send.  I am asking a minimum donation of $10 per card.

Because we will send absolutely 100% of your donation to Children’s HopeChest for the school building project, my husband’s Christmas gift to me is as many cards as you will order. (Guess what he’s getting?  Postage for as many cards as you will order :)

I'll be making daily trips to the post office so your card will be delivered as soon as possible.  If you would like multiple cards sent to your home address so that you or your child can hand deliver them, let me know how many to send. I can package them together and leave the envelopes and cards blank so you can fill them out the way you'd like.  However you'd like to do things, that's exactly what I'll do.  If you have any questions, just send me an e-mail.  Definitely stop back for updates!

For more information on Kind Hearts, please visit my friend Karen Wistrom’s blog,

When you gather the profits of your hard work, leave some for the foreigner, the orphans, and the widows.  Then the Lord, your God, will bless you in all you do.  Deuteronomy 24:19.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday, Trey!!


Happy birthday to my sweet, silly Trey!!

You’re as sweet as pie and as cute as a cupcake.  You put a skip in my step and a hop in my heart.  I am ridiculously happy to be your mom.

Love ~ The Luckiest Mom EVER


Trey –

Happy 7th Birthday Big Boy! I’m proud to call you my son. Keep smilin’!

All my love – Dad



You are the happiest boy I know.  Your smile easily lights up a room and your eyes are always shining.  You are so funny and curious.  I’m lucky to have you as my brother.

<3 Sammie



You are funny, sweet, and adorable.  You’re always so peppy and excited.  I’m proud to be your brother.  I don’t know what I’d do without you.

Love – Big Bro Toby


Trey ~ You are such a delight.
I love you so.
You always make me feel so special.
Thanks for coming into my life.
Happy 7th birthday!

Love ~ Mimi


Trey -

Your curious mind and energetic spirit are a blessing to our family.

Grandpa Paul


Trey -

We love you and think you are a special boy. You have an awesome smile that lights up a room. Happy Birthday.

Love - Uncle Paul, Aunt Jamie, Paul C, Isaac, Luke and Aaron Bruns


Hi Trey,
I bet you're having a great birthday today. Lots of presents and goodies to eat!! You must feel like a big boy now that you're 7 years old.

Love you,
Granny & Grandpa H.

T is for Terrific, one of a kind
R is for Ready for action
E is for Energetic, cheerful & smiley
Y is for Young whippersnapper full of life

You are a perfect addition to the Davidson family!  We all know you are heaven sent.  We look forward to watching all of the Fun & Great things that happen in your life J
Love ~ Aunt Paula and Uncle Dave

From the first time your Mom and Dad introduced your picture to your soon-to-be new family, I saw a light in your eyes. I knew then, just as I know now, that God has something magical in store for your life.
I remember the first time we met ~ you had me at "Aunt, Tamara"!

Happy Birthday, Trey!
Love, Aunt Tamara

Monday, November 19, 2012

Eleven for Eleven


Eleven years ago today, God blessed us mightily when you were born. As I’ll point out later, you are unassuming, but remarkable in so many ways. Today, I’d like to share with you 11 things I love about you, my 11-year-old son.

You are Tenacious: If you asked me to use one word to describe you, this would be it. I thought about using the term persistent, but persistent isn’t a strong enough term.  Tenacious – this was the adjective to describe you when you were a baby, and it remains the same today.

Once you get something in your mind, it’s all over. I love it that you have a never-give-up attitude (even if sometimes I’d like to you give up.) Stay tenacious, Toby. Never give-up when something is hard and never give-up fighting for something that’s right.

You are a Great Brother: I’m not sure what Sammie and Trey would do without you. Yes, you rough house with Trey a little too much, and you antagonize your sister (like any good brother would) a bit too much, but you are like glue that binds our family together. You’re the one with the big ideas and you’re the one that always makes sure everyone is included.

You Get Things Done: How many 11-year-olds wake-up before the sun comes up and, without request, start studying? How many kids don’t have to be told to do their homework or to pick-up their clothes? Some days I stumble out of bed (after you) and see you at the counter taking care of business and I think, “Man I wish I had that kid’s gumption.” You can thank your mom for this quality.

You are Honest: Sadly, an all too uncommon trait among people of all ages. I was going to say, honest to a fault, but I don’t think there is such a thing.

I remember when you were in pre-school, mom would tell me stories of you running out of class at the end of the day filled with anxiety. It was clear to her you had something on your mind. Without hesitation and without coaxing, you would open-up and let mom know about the “naughty thing” you had done that day. The funny thing was, you never really did anything very naughty, but I admire that you just wanted to get it off of your chest.

In this regard, you haven’t changed since pre-school, and I hope you never change. As cliché as it might sound, honesty is always the best policy.

You Always Wash my Truck on Saturdays: Wait, that’s not true, but if you’d like, you are welcome to do so!

You are Tactical: You think a lot and carefully weigh the options and opportunities presented to you. For example, most 11-year-old boys when asked by their mom if they’d like to go to Target would immediately respond, “No thanks.” You, on the other hand, calculate the potential benefit of the trip (like an ICEE) and tactically consider your response.

You are Responsible: You take care of what needs to be taken care of and you do it well. You know what’s right and what’s wrong. And while not always easy, most of the time, you choose right over wrong.

You are Unassuming: The quintessential offensive lineman. You’re just here to do your job. You don’t want anyone to make a fuss over you, and at the end of the day, you are your biggest critic. In a world of big egos and personalities, your humble personality is a refreshing one!

P.S. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

You are Just the Right Amount of Cool: There is no doubt you are a cool kid. Not the kind of cool that’s arrogant or dismissive, but the kind of cool that makes other people feel comfortable and unthreatened.

You are Respectful: Yes sir, please, and thank you are common to your vocabulary – I like that! While you consistently get good grades, it doesn’t go unnoticed that your best, most consistent grades are for being kind and respectful.

You are Thankful: God knows we are blessed in many ways, and oftentimes even mom and I take things for granted. I don’t think you do. I don’t think you did when you were younger, and I don’t think you do today.

You are Humble: Well, at least you used to be.

I’m proud to be your dad.  Much love to you on your 11th birthday.
