Thursday, January 13, 2011

Flowers for Korah

Monday night and Tuesday morning brought the St. Louis area three whole inches of snow.  While is seems a little crazy to a girl from North Iowa, in Missouri that means school is closed for a snow day!   I love snow days and still feel the childhood excitement of an unexpected day off. 

I had just read a post by bloggy mom Kari Gibson about her upcoming mission trip to Ethiopia with Visiting Orphans.  In February, she is hoping to deliver pretty headbands to all of the little girls living in the village of Korah, and was looking for some crafty friends to help her out.  Samantha and I loved this idea and we decided to spend our day off making some colorful creations to send Kari's way.

Here's what we came up with.  We purchased silk flowers in bunches at the local craft store.  After removing the stems and taking the flower apart, we reassembled the bloom using a quick swirl of hot glue between each layer.  Samantha filled bottle caps with sparkly little beads and Mod Podge and attached them to the center of each flower.  Once dry, we attached an alligator clip to the back of each so they can be worn like a barrette or clipped onto a headband.  Very cute and so simple!!

If you're feeling a little crafty and would like to send a donation to Kari, or would like to learn more about her upcoming trip, you can visit her blog at 

Here is a short documentary about the children and families that live in Korah.  If you haven't seen this already, I promise it is worth your four minutes and has the potential to impact you for a lifetime.